Friday, February 27, 2009

On the road again...

My work has taken me out of town for the past week...I've just completed teaching a CI-104 course (Investment Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate) in Washington DC. The typical course runs Mon. thru Fri, 8:30 to 5:15, with the exam on Friday. And is usually taught with 2 instructors. Well, last Friday night I got a call from my fellow instructor informing me that his wife had fractured a vertebrae in her lower back, and was to be operated on Monday, so he will not be at the course...I made a bunch of calls to other instructors, and couldn't find a replacement. Bottom line: I end up teaching the 40 hr. week long course myself. Talk about a workout!!! I became, in essence, a 1 man band...Now, I've been teaching for almost 30 years, so I'm very confident and comfortable with the material, but there is no break, I was "on" the whole week. So, now I sit here as they take the exam, and can say that all went extremely well. It was a great group, very attentive, cooperative, smart real estate brokers, developers and lenders. Had some great discussions regarding where the economy is now, where it's been, and most importantly, where is it going?

I travel to teach courses like this 4-5 times a year. I try and workout, I bring my sneakers etc., and either go to the gym in the hotel, or run if the weather permits. And I've run and/or worked out in some of the greatest cities in the world. Beijing, Buenos Aires, Moscow, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, LA, San Diego, Albuquerque...and this week in Washington DC. Having to stand and teach all day has been stressful on my legs and knees. But I did get the opportunity to do my strength training twice in the hotel gym, and that's really helped. I stayed at the Club Quarters at 17th and I, and it's a very nice facility, 2 blocks from the White House, and 2 stops on the Metro from where I taught.

My son Seth went to GW, here, and graduated a few years ago. So, I have some familiarity with the city. Washington is a beautiful capital city. I wish I had more time to visit the museums etc. I've done a lot of that, but none this week. Besides exercising, the other challenge that my traveling always poses is eating. It is so hard to go out with people to some of the all time great restaurants and not indulge. Talk to any seasoned traveler, and it's a consistent problem. Everyone wants drinks up front, appetizers, entrees, and desserts...there is no way you can do this daily, and stay trim and fit...I would like to think I did pretty good this week, even though I had 3 major nights out at Oceanair Grill, McCormick & Schmick's, and Olives....all highly rated, high caloric bastions of culinary delights...I had a glass of wine only one night, no appetizers, and just salads and fish 2 of the nights, and steak at M&S. The scallops at Olives were the best I've ever eaten...It's a challenge but I find if you talk to your guests and friends about the training you like to do, and the typical diet you maintain at really helps the situation. In some cases I find that they feel guilty, and order a pretty healthy meal.

I head back home on the train this afternoon and get home just in time to listen to Max's baseball game from Florida on the Internet. If anyone cares, you can listen to the game at: the game starts at 7PM.

With any kind of luck I'll get to run outdoors tomorrow and maybe bike indoors on Sunday, looks like some snow...and then I'll be back on the road in just 2 weeks, when Marla and I head down to Florida for 10 days to watch Max and his team. Traveling there is always great fun, especially since the weather is so great, I can run, bike, and even swim while down there...the hotel we're staying at has a pool. Until then......

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