Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'll have a 2 week cleanse with ice, please

Well, I guess I'm a day or 2 ahead of most on this cleanse since Marla and I started on Fri. the 2nd. Basically, we're done! No problem at all with me. I lost 6-7 lbs. total, and feel really great. I plan on continuing to eat better, and closer to the cleanse than I usually do. It may sound odd, but because I feel so good, I like it. Because of my heavy schedule and the crummy cold weather all week, all I could do was indoor exercises. Swim and bike. Again those Spinervals and the Lake Placid training DVD's are terrific. So, this morning, my outside temperature gauge read -0. I'm not sure what that means except it was freakin cold out. But the sun was out, so I put on the layers and did a really good 45 min. run. As you can see from the picture, I look like some clown out of Cirque de Soleil (if only I were in that good of shape), but I was dressed appropriately, and really never got cold. In fact, I was smiling most of the way, a) because I felt so good, and b) because of cabin fever, it was great to finally get out. A couple of drivers on their cell phones, drinking Starbucks came dangerously close, but I guess because of my bright outfit, saw me at the last minute. I don't think there is a more invigorating way to do a run.

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